Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My Life With Out Cheerleading

I couldn’t imagine my life without cheerleading. Many times I have pictured my life without it and to me it’s not much of a life. All my friends are cheerleaders and I don’t even know what I would do with all the spare time (I would probably nap and catch up on the sleep I’ve missed for the past 6 years of my life). Cheerleading consumes my life and without it I’m not sure what I would do to stay fit. Cheerleading shows you a different side of your school that you’ve never realized before. You look at people very differently and people look at us very differently. When I see people in school that I’ve seen at a game cheering our red storm teams on and I defiantly remember those people. And people do recognize cheerleaders in school. But even beside that I honestly couldn’t ever picture my life without cheerleading and one day ill soon find out. But until then my life will defiantly be all cheer all the time.

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